In general, I really like the genre of stories like My Two Alphas stories, so I read the book extremely passionately. Now comes Chapter 18 with many exciting details. I can't stop reading! Read the My Two Alphas Chapter 18 story today. ^^
Trigger warning, mentions of attempted rape, read at own risk or skip the chapter.
Lucy POV
Walking into the bathroom, I grab the pants I had on yesterday, pulling them on, they were slightly damp from the floor being wet, the room chilly from the tiles and the window being cracked open.
I then grab my jumper tugging it over my head and pull my hair into a ponytail, with my hair tie from my wrist. That day replaying in my head on repeat. The smell of his cologne, the weird prickling sensation of my hair standing on end when I realised his intentions, the fear that paralysed, making me freeze up, while I tried to figure out what I did that would make him do this to me, that sense of dread, the coldest feeling in world before I feel my breathing become shorter. I clutch at my throat trying to catch my breath as I start to hyperventilate, fear gripping me in it confines suffocating me excruciatingly slowly.
I needed my pills, needed something so I could breathe, yet it became harder and harder to catch my breath, my vision blurring with my panic from my inability to calm myself before my vision goes dark and I know I am falling, falling into the depths of my tortured memories. My body hit the tiles with a thud yet I couldn't feel pain, felt nothing, I couldn't feel anything when I am pulled back to that fateful day. Watching my own torment like it is a movie, like it happened to someone else only I recognised the girl in it because she was me.
I used to like Mr Tanner, how foolish and blinded I was thinking he was one of the cool teachers at school. He had busted me and Josey ditching class multiple times and always stuck up for us, caught us smoking weed in the bathrooms and still defended us to the principal.
We thought he was one of the good ones, easy going, friendly, always willing to bail us both out when we got ourselves in trouble. If only I had known there was a price for it, if only I had known what he really was, if only I never closed that classroom door. He was a predator and we were to blind to see we were his prey.
"Lucy, can I have a word with you for a second?" I heard Mr Tanner's voice sound behind me as I packed up my school equipment.
Josey pauses at the door looking at me. "I just need a word with her, Josey. Go to your next class, she will be there soon" Mr Tanner says to her. She smiles before nodding.
"I will see you in class then" Josey says before walking out the door. I zip my bag up after dumping my pencil case in it.
T then grab the strap and toss my bag over my shoulder, just as I was walking to the front of the classroom to see what he wanted, Mr Tanner speaks.
"Shut the door Lucy" he says and I furrow my brows but do as he says not thinking anything of it, it was Mr Tanner he was our friend, why shouldn't I trust him? Not trusting him never once occurred to me.
"Pull the blind down too" he says, making me look over my shoulder at him.
"Pardon Sir?" I ask confused when he suddenly mists before reappearing right beside me.
"I said pull the blind down Lucy" he says, before I hear the lock on the door click. I see him pull his hand back, making me gulp.
Fear coursing through me as I stared at him. "The blind Lucy" he repeats and I look at the little blind on the door that would cover the glass.
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