Cynthia is dying and rather than live her life tied to tubes she has decided to live her way for whatever time she has left.
I am really surprised that I picked Trapped Between Two Alphas to read. Don’t get me wrong it is one of my favorites from Sam Crescent. I just cry enough these days without any help so reading this one just adds fuel to the fire so to speak and yes there are points where you really will want to cry when you read this story.
Cynthia is very sick but she is tired of fighting a losing battle that leaves her a pincushion living under a microscope. She wants what time she has left to be on her terms and her way. I honestly can’t blame her there. It breaks my heart every time I get to the part where Kris and Matt meet her and she knows she can’t follow her attraction for them. Then there’s Matt and Kris who fall for Cynthia and know that something is wrong, I am impressed with their strength of will. I could almost see the scenes play out in my head while my heart broke for those two Alpha wolves. I think my favorite part of this whole book would be the rockin’ bedroom scene, you will need a cold shower or your significant other around for those and then of course my other favorite part would be the curve ball that I didn’t see coming and seem to forget about every time, I am not telling you where it is but I can promise you won’t expect it.
Trapped Between Two Alphas was just too short for all that was going on in there, mating, human hunters, transition... In a novel it would have been a great read (if it was well written) but in a few pages trying to tell so much it's just not working. So in the end you have a story with no depth in the characters (i couldn't tell the 2 males apart cause simply there wasn't enough pages to describe them). It felt rushed. I believe it would have better to leave the human hunting stuff out and concentrate on the mating thing between the 3.
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