The The CEO's Return novel series by author Susannah has been updated on Novel The CEO's Return in the genre of Romance, drama, ... tells about the troubled love of the male and female leads. Currently, the The CEO's Return novel series is updating the fastest content on the market and continuously on the website. Please visit daily to read FULL The CEO's Return books or download free PDF novel The CEO's Return here
' I crumbled to the floor and allowed the tears to fall, reality came crashing down on me like a building with no solid foundation, what my family warned me about was what actually happened. Our marriage wasn't even up to 24 hours and I was already left with no one to console me as I cried my eyes out I waited for my husband's return for hours, hours turned into days and days turned into weeks, A month later, I found out I was with child. ' Barely 24 hours after her wedding, Tracy found out her husband left without a specific explanation, years later she decided to move on completely only to find out her husband is the CEO of the new company she's working in.
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